Here are some interior design tips to brighten up your Monday

Houzz member Shawn Gauthier created a post titled  “11 Ways to Create a Bright Space with Dark Furniture,” which sheds light (no pun intended) on the endless ways to liven up a room. View the post and images here!

Here are some examples of our own work that we created in a vivid setting. Pops of color are always pleasing to the eye, but our best tool is natural light. We simulate natural lighting to make the renderings more appealing and more effective when designing a new space.

1. Kitchen

This rendering appeals because of the vibrant colors of the accessories contrasting with the neutral colors of the furniture. The natural light gives the room a more open feel while complimenting the accessories.

2. Bedroom

Natural light seeping through the windows makes waking up much easier. This more contemporary bedroom also benefits from the light to brighten the neutral colors.

3. Loft

Reading in a vibrant setting keeps us more alert. As one of the most contemporary images we’ve created, this room can easily be changed and finished in practically any color scheme.

4. Daycare Center

This bright setting makes interacting and playing more fun for children of all ages.

Based on these renderings, you can tell what an impact natural light has on a room. We take pride in our ability to expose any setting to natural light, opening up space and complimenting the interior design!
