Office Furniture Trends for 2021

With COVID-19 dominating the headlines in 2020, offices all around the country were forced to reevaluate the way they work. Office furniture is a big part of that process, and at Pixel Perfect Studios, we believe 2021’s office design aesthetic will be governed by an emphasis on comfort and remote working. Here are our top 4 trends for office furniture in 2021:

  • Hybrid Work/Living Spaces

As millions of workers did their jobs from home during the pandemic, companies were left wondering if work-life would ever return to normal. Now that large numbers of those workers are returning to the office, they have become accustomed to having the comforts of home close at hand. We believe office furniture manufacturers will pick up on this vibe and will design office furniture that’s functional, stylish, and (perhaps most importantly) comfortable.

  • Emphasis on Videoconferencing

While many workers are making their return to the office, it’s clear that videoconferencing will have a larger role to play in intra-office relations for the foreseeable future. With this in mind, we expect to see remote working technology become fully integrated into offices as a way of fostering collaboration between in-office employees and those working remotely. In 2021, you might see more interactive smart whiteboards, more screens for large remote meetings, or furniture with integrated cameras and mics.

  • Acoustic Furniture

As open floor plans have become the norm, many workers have found it difficult to cope with the noise. Now that they’re used to working from home, they may find the noise unbearable. We think the offices of 2021 will make use of modular sound dampening walls that cut down on ambient noise without hindering collaboration.

  • Sustainable Office Furniture

In the 20th century, the environmental impact of office furniture manufacturing was of little concern to office executives. Today, sustainability is more than just a feel-good buzzword. Employees and the community at large are ready to take companies to task for the products they choose to consume. In 2021, there will be a tremendous need for office furniture that accomplishes the goals of sustainable design:

  • Sustainable raw material sourcing
  • Utilization of raw materials with low Volatile Organic Compound emission
  • A long life cycle (office furniture that will be practical and stylish for the next 7 years or more)
  • Items that can be easily repurposed or recycled at the end of their useful life

Manufacturers who pick up on this trend can make big strides by adopting the sustainable philosophy in their designs.

3D Rendering for Office Furniture Design

For office furniture manufacturers looking to incorporate 2021’s new paradigm, 3D rendering can be a cost-effective option to overhaul your offerings. Pixel Perfect Studios employs a talented team of animators and graphic designers who can help you take your fresh, new ideas and bring them into the real world. Give us a call at (215) 568-8380, send an email to info@pixelperfect-studios.com, or fill out our online contact form to find out more. Big changes are coming to the way we work in 2021, and Pixel Perfect Studios can help you make sure your office furniture marketing material and website content will keep pace with those changes.


Categories: Design