Virtual Tour: More Valuable than your Model Home

A few months ago we were approached by a magazine editor who wanted us to write a guest article on the importance of going digital when building and selling new homes. While a digital presence is also important for selling pre-existing homes, it is exponentially more important when it comes to homes that are in the planning and construction phases. It’s incredibly difficult to sell new construction without giving prospective buyers an easily accessible sneak peak of the finished product. Model homes are great for giving that sneak peak, but  the ease of accessibility lies mostly in the digital world.

The article was published several weeks ago (if you’re a subscriber of the NAHB 55+ magazine, it’s on page 16 of the January issue), but we decided the subject matter was important and should be shared with our blog audience too. We didn’t want to re-post the same information word-for-word, especially for those of you who have already read the article, so we created this handy infographic to explain why a virtual tour could be more valuable than your model home:

Model homes are great, but they lack the flexibility to change and the ease of accessibility that come with having a virtual tour. To see some examples of virtual tours we’ve created, click the images below. Once the tour opens in a new browser, click the arrows to enter a room and click and drag to explore the room you’re in.

If you like what you see and would like to learn more about how our services can meet your needs, shoot us an email at info@pixelperfect-studios or send us a message on our contact page.

Just want to see more of our work? Visit our gallery!

