A 360-degree Virtual Interactive Tour for Your Real Estate Listing

Real estate has always been a competitive business and if you’re a real estate agent you know you have to do everything it takes to get your listings noticed. Sure, you could rely on a website with static photos to show potential buyers the beauty of the property you’re listing but that’s a thing of the past. With today’s widespread availability of broadband internet, buyers want to see something flashier on your website, and data usage is not an issue. That’s where Pixel Perfect Studios in Philadelphia comes in with 360-degree virtual interactive tours that can really set your listings apart from your competitors, giving you an edge in the competitive real estate market.

360-Degree Virtual Interactive Tours for Real Estate Listings

In the old days of real estate listings, agents relied on print ads with static pictures. Decades later, we’ve progressed so much with our computing technology but many agents are still using those same flat, lifeless pictures. Today’s real estate buyers are savvier than ever and they want to get a real feel for a space before they spend their valuable time going to look at it in person. If your website is populated with motionless pictures, you’re getting left in the dust. It’s time to join the 21st century and get a 360-degree virtual interactive tour on your website. Not only will it help you attract potential buyers, it will also save you time by allowing them to look at every detail of your property before they talk to you.

What is a 360-Degree Virtual Interactive Tour?

Imagine if buyers could look at your property without being there in person. For real estate agents, this is the sales tool of the future; luckily for you, it’s available today at Pixel Perfect Studios in Philadelphia. We use advanced computer animation tools to create a photo-realistic rendering of your property down to the smallest detail. Once this rendering is complete, we can stage the property with furniture and décor, play with paint colors, change flooring materials, and more! Potential buyers can even do a guided walking tour or virtually “move” around the property at their own pace – all without leaving their living rooms. Imagine having the power of a 3D architectural rendering at your fingertips. With Pixel Perfect Studios, you can!

Applications for our 3D Architectural Renderings

We’ve already worked with a number of real estate agents to create architectural renderings and virtual interactive tours. Our 360-degree virtual interactive tours are perfect for any multi-unit property, from housing developments to apartment buildings; from shopping centers to mixed-used commercial spaces. If you’re a real estate agent selling or renting multi-unit properties, a virtual interactive tour is just what you need to increase the power of your marketing and get those spaces filled. Don’t use the real estate marketing tools of the 20th century; call Pixel Perfect Studios in Philadelphia today for an estimate!
